Apple Will Pay $20 Million To Settle Apple Watch Battery Swelling Lawsuit

Trending 2 weeks ago

Victoria Song

Victoria Song is a elder newsman focusing connected wearables, wellness tech, and overmuch pinch 13 years of experience. Before coming to The Verge, she worked for Gizmodo and PC Magazine.

Apple has agreed to a $20 cardinal colony successful a group action suit complete artillery swelling successful early Apple Watch models. If you knowledgeable nan rumor and owned an Apple Watch Series 0, 1, 2, aliases 3, you whitethorn beryllium eligible for a mini payout.

The lawsuit, Smith et al. v. Apple Inc, was revenge successful nan United States District Court for nan Northern District of California. In immoderate nan colony statement and declare website, Apple explicitly denies that its smartwatches ever had artillery swelling issues and “denies each allegations of wrongdoing” and liability. Instead, it says that Apple is choosing to settee to “avoid further costs of litigation.”

To beryllium eligible for a payout, you personification to personification owned an eligible watch exemplary and personification reported immoderate imaginable artillery swelling issues to Apple betwixt April 24th, 2015 and February 6th, 2024. Anyone who fits those criteria has until April 10th to corroborate aliases update their costs accusation to personification a payout. According to nan settlement’s FAQ site, nan costs is estimated to beryllium astir $20 to $50 per covered watch. Accepting a costs intends you too springiness up immoderate early action regarding artillery issues connected these peculiar watches. Those who do not wish to beryllium information of nan colony personification until February 24th, 2025 to exclude themselves aliases entity to nan settlement.

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