Can This Ai Tool Make Better Content Than Chatgpt?

Trending 6 days ago

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Running a mini business aliases broadside hustle usually intends you deterioration each nan hats, but there's astir apt 1 that feels for illustration it weighs 10 gallons: creating content. For those who weren't calved pinch a paintbrush, penning articles and designing logos intends spending a batch of clip for sub-par results aliases hiring costly freelancers. It mightiness beryllium clip to effort AI.

While you've heard of names for illustration ChatGPT, it's not nan champion astatine creating content. A instrumentality for illustration AI Magicx, however, is designed specifically for generating imaginative AI content. It's too overmuch easier to powerfulness and cheaper pinch a life subscription astatine $69.99 pinch codification TAKE30 astatine checkout (reg. $99.99).

Bring your imaginative ideas to life successful seconds

Most different AI devices will title you monthly, but your AI Magicx subscription gives you monthly credits. With them, you tin create up to 250 images, 250 logos, and unlimited words each month—probably acold overmuch than you'll ever need.

AI Magicx is too 1 of nan simplest devices we connected nan StackCommerce deals squad personification ever tested. If you want to make an AI image, this is each you personification to do:

  1. Select a intent and number of desired images.
  2. Enter a mentation (the overmuch elaborate you tin be, nan better).
  3. Choose an image style, for illustration 3D, realism, aliases cartoon.
  4. Click "Generate."

You tin recreation akin elemental steps to create art, articles, stories, aliases strings of codification to usage connected your website. There is moreover an AI archive editor if you ever want a 2nd brace of eyes connected your writing.

Use codification TAKE30 astatine checkout to get an AI Magicx life subscription for $69.99 (reg. $99.99) for a constricted time.

AI Magicx: Lifetime Subscription (Rune Plan)

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