Sony And Cbs Are In A Jeopardy! Distribution Feud

Trending 2 days ago

Umar Shakir

Umar Shakir is a news writer fond of nan electrical conveyance mode and things that plug successful via USB-C. He spent complete 15 years successful IT support earlier joining The Verge.

Sony Pictures Television says it’s taking complete nan distribution authorities for apical crippled shows Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy! from Paramount-owned CBS starting nan week of February 10th, reports Bloomberg, while CBS is fighting backmost by seeking a impermanent restraining order.

In October, Sony sued CBS for allegedly not putting successful tin effort to move licensing revenues contempt CBS making overmuch than $1 cardinal successful profit from nan 35-year-old distribution deal. Sony too claims that CBS pocketed overmuch than $3.6 cardinal from different deals made successful Australia and New Zealand that did not usage Sony.

According to Deadline, connected Monday, CBS sent a relationship to clients telling them to disregard what Sony is saying because “Sony has nary authorities nether nan distribution agreements to terminate them, and CBS remains nan supplier for nan Series, notwithstanding immoderate communications from Sony to nan contrary.”

Earlier past year, Sony, which produces immoderate crippled shows, reportedly attempted to bargain retired nan authorities from CBS for a fig “greater than 9 figures,” according to a guidelines who said pinch Bloomberg astatine nan time.

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