Ugreen’s New Wallet Tracker Is Thinner And Cheaper Than The Rest

Trending 1 week ago

Andrew Liszewski

Andrew Liszewski is a elder newsman who’s been covering and reviewing nan latest gadgets and tech since 2011, but has loved each things physics since he was a kid.

Ugreen has announced different Apple AirTag replacement pinch its caller Finder Slim wallet tracker. It’s not only overmuch thinner than an Apple AirTag, astatine conscionable 1.7mm thick, nan Finder Slim is too thinner than nan 2.4mm Chipolo Card Spot, nan 2.8mm Pebblebee Card Universal, nan 2.5mm Tile Slim, and nan 2.6mm Eufy SmartTrack Card E30.

It’s now disposable done Amazon for $26.99, too making it 1 of nan cheapest wallet trackers compatible pinch Apple’s Find My network.

Like Eufy and Pebblebee’s wallet trackers, Ugreen’s Finder Slim features a rechargeable artillery alternatively of a disposable one. Battery life is claimed to beryllium up to 12 months betwixt charges, which is overmuch shorter than nan 3 years Tile says its wallet locator will work, but you tin perchance support utilizing Ugreen’s for moreover longer than that.

Ugreen’s Finder Slim wallet locator charging from a powerfulness adapter plugged into an outlet.

The downside to ultra-thin rechargeable wallet trackers for illustration nan Finder Slim is that they’re excessively bladed to usage a modular USB-C charging port. It alternatively relies connected a proprietary charging cablegram pinch a magnetic connector you’ll petition to make judge you don’t misplace earlier needing it again successful different 12 months. On apical of that, if merchandise imagery is accurate, nan proprietary charging cablegram Ugreen includes is only USB-A compatible.

The Finder Slim useful pinch Apple’s Find My web but skips support for Google’s Find My Device web entirely. Remote hunt allows you to spot nan Finder Slim’s past reported location connected nan network, and it will too trigger adjacent down reminders erstwhile it’s initially separated from your iPhone. A built-in 80dB siren should make it easy to pinpoint nan nonstop location of nan locator erstwhile it’s adjacent and incorrect earshot — moreover erstwhile it’s stuffed incorrect a wallet — and it’s IP68 rated, truthful it tin past a complete dunking for up to 30 minutes. Just don’t expect to beryllium tin to measurement it down if it ends up successful nan drink.

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